Silver Fox Card Counting System

If you’re looking for a simple blackjack card counting method, it’s worth
checking into the Silver Fox system. While not nearly as widely used as some
other systems, it’s an excellent one that’s easy to learn and implement.

Developed by Ralph Stricker, the Silver Fox system was coined after a
nickname for its creator. Stickler was known as a fox by a pit boss in Atlantic
City that later went on to ban him from the casino. In his later years,
Stricker’s hair began to gray. In turn, his blackjack card counting system
became known as the Silver Fox system.

On this page, we’re going to get you up to speed on everything you need to
know about the Silver Fox blackjack card counting system. We’ll kick things off
with an explanation of the basic fundamentals. After that, we’ll move onto how
you can size your bets and practice using the system. You’ll also get the scoop
on how you can avoid getting caught counting cards in addition to some
frequently asked questions and more.

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