Craps Bets: Everything You Need to Know

Although craps is essentially a pretty simple game, the number of different bets that can be placed does often confuse new players. You can actually play the game without knowing most of them, as long you understand the basics of how the game works. However, it’s advisable to have at least some idea of all the wagers and how they work.

On this page we have explained each of the craps bets that you can place. These can be divided into three separate categories: line bets, single roll bets, and multi-line bets. If you aren’t familiar with the fundamental rules of craps, we would suggest reading our main craps page where we explain how to play the game.

Line Bets

Line bets are the most commonly placed wagers in craps, and the pass line bet and the don’t pass bet in particular are integral to the game. A shooter will always have to make either a pass line bet or a don’t pass bet before they make their come-out roll, and in some casinos players will be forced to place one of these bets if they want to make any other wagers.

Pass Line Bet

This is placed before a come-out roll, and pays out even money if it wins. It wins when the come out roll is 7 or 11, and loses when the roll is 2, 3, or 12. If any other number is rolled a point is established at that number and the pass line bet stays on the table. If the point number is rolled again, the bet wins. If a 7 is rolled before the point number, the bet loses.

Don’t Pass Bet

This is essentially the opposite of the pass line bet. It’s also placed before a come out roll, and pays even money too, but it loses when the roll is 7 or 11 and wins when the roll is 2 or 3. If the come out roll is a 12, the bet is a push (neither won nor lost). As above, when a point is established it stays on the table. It wins if a 7 is rolled before the point number, and loses if the point number is rolled before a 7.

Taking The Odds

This is a follow up wager to a pass line bet, after the point has been established. It wins if the point number is rolled before a 7, and loses if a 7 is rolled before the point number. Because a 7 is statistically the most likely number to be rolled, casinos offer higher than even pay-outs on this bet. For a point number of 6 or 8, the pay-out is 6:5. For 5 or 9, the pay-out is 3:2. For 4 or 10, the pay-out is 2:1.

Taking the odds technically has a house edge of zero, so casinos place a limit on how much you can wager on this, relative to the size of your pass bet.

Laying the Odds

This is a follow up wager to a don’t pass bet after the point is established. In the same way that the pass line wager is essentially the opposite to a don’t pass wager, laying the odds is essentially the opposite of taking the odds. It loses if the point number is rolled before a 7, and wins if a 7 is rolled before the point number. The pay-outs are the same as taking the odds, but reversed. So for a point number of 6 or 8 the pay-out is 5:6, for 5 or 9 it’s 2:3 and for 4 or 10 it’s 1:2.

Come Bet

The come bet could essentially be described as a pass line bet that’s placed after the come out roll. The first roll after the placing of a come bet determines the number that’s to be used as the point for this wager. If that number is rolled before a 7, the come bet wins. If a 7 is rolled first, it loses. You can also take the odds on a come bet.

Don’t Come Bet

This is the opposite of a come bet, and it’s essentially a don’t pass bet that is placed after the come out roll. As above, the first roll subsequent to such a wager being placed establishes the point for the wager. If a 7 is rolled first, the wager wins. If the relevant point is rolled first, the wager loses. You can lay the odds on a don’t come bet too.

Single Roll Bets

As the name suggests, these are wagers that are determined by a single roll of the dice. You are quite simply betting on the result of that roll. The house edge is quite high in these wagers, but the odds are higher than previously mentioned wagers, and many players are attracted to them. They are also referred to as proposition bets, and include the following.

Field: This wager covers the numbers 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11, and 12. You’ll win if any of them are rolled. It pays even money, although some casinos pay it out at 2:1 if a 2 or 12 is rolled

On the Hop: This is a bet on any specific combination of dice for the next roll. For example, 5 and 1 or 2 and 3. This pays out at 15:1 unless you have bet on a double, in which case it pays out at 30:1

Any Craps: A bet on 2, 3, or 12 being rolled. Pays out at 7:1

Snake Eyes/Aces: A wager on double one being rolled. Pays out at 30:1

Seven: Needs a seven to be rolled to win. Pays out at 4:1

Yo: Requires the shooter to roll 11. Pays out at 15:1

Multi Roll Bets

These are wagers that aren’t necessarily settled on the first roll and can take several rolls to be resolved. For example, a hard way bet is a wager that the shooter will throw a specific number (4, 6, 8, or 10) the hard way (meaning as a double) before throwing the corresponding number the easy way (not as a double) or a seven. Other multi roll bets are as follows.

Easy Way: Basically the opposite of a hard way wager. You are betting that the shooter will throw a specific number (4, 6, 8, or 10) the easy way before throwing a seven.

Big 6: A wager that the shooter will throw a 6 before he throws a 7.

Big 8: A wager that the shooter will throw an 8 before he throws a 7.