Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play Video Poker Guide

Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker takes a pay table that is already quite unique and gives it another interesting twist. It’s a special feature that is enacted when you bet at least six coins for each of the multiple hands you’re playing. If you do that, you’ll see an extreme, positive difference in the amount that you’ll win on four of a kind.

Video poker offers you many different ways to play. For some people, the most basic form of the game—also known as Jacks or Better—is the only way they choose to play. It’s a simple pay table to understand and it offers gamblers the chance to play for a long time on a small bankroll.

Triple PlayBut Jacks or Better video poker also severely limits your chances for big payoffs on a single hand. It’s very difficult to achieve a straight flush or royal flush, which are the two highest-paying hands on basically any pay table. Four of a kind is a bit more manageable, but it pays significantly less than the other two premium hands.

Bonus Poker pay tables were intended to alleviate those concerns somewhat. And the way that approached that was to boost payback for four of a kind hands, often to the point that they paid more than even a straight flush. The rule of thumb in video poker is that the longer the name of the game happens to be, the more the four of a kind hands pay off.

Why Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play Video Poker Is Unique

In the case of Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker, there are several ways that the four of a kind hands get as big a boost as any in video poker. First of all, the game is based on a Super Double Double Bonus pay table. This pay table is one that emphasizes quads (four of a kinds) made with aces, face cards, and twos through fours, while also raising payback based on the kickers involved.

Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker does this even better by including the twists brought about by the Super Triple Play brand. First of all, you’ll be looking at multiple play video poker. You can win more in a single round than you would if you were playing a single screen.

On top of that, Super Triple Play includes a special pay table. It comes into play when you bet six coins a hand. If you play three, five, or 10 hands at once, it’s expensive.

But the benefits can be worth it. In many cases, the Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker pay table achieved with a six-coin wager doubles the expected payback for quads. In fact, if you bet six coins per hand and end up with four aces and a kicker of two, three, or four, you’ll end up with payback as high as a royal flush.

In the following article, we’ll explain everything you need to know about Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker. We’ll talk about what it takes to play basic video poker, how multiple play affects that, and what the special pay table brings to the action. Finally, we’ll talk about the strategy you need to play the game well while also explaining what you can expect in terms of payback.

Playing Basic Video Poker

If you’re brand new to video poker and you try to learn a game like Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker, it can be a bit overwhelming. It’s always a good idea to learn the foundation of the game first before getting too carried away with a more complex variant.

The good news is that basic video poker is a simple game to play, and you’ll use the basics to get you through Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker. Once you learn basic video poker, you’ll likely start to understand some of the qualities that make it special. It’s so special, in fact, that many gamblers insist on playing video poker and nothing else in casinos and at top gambling websites.

What are those special qualities? Take a look at some of them.

  • Video poker is one of the easiest casino games to learn. Because many people have a little bit of experience playing poker, they understand the basic setup of it. But even complete newcomers should be able to get the hang of it after a few hands.
  • Video poker is a one-person game. That means you could play the game with complete privacy. And it means you can move along at your own pace, unlike other casino games where you’re at the mercy of the those who operate the games.
  • Video poker features many different variations on the main game. With many casino games, you can’t really change up gameplay too much from the basic version. That isn’t the case with video poker, as the flexibility of pay tables and the special features that can be added can really change up the action.
  • Video poker is a game of strategy. Yes, there is luck involved. But the bottom line is that those who make the right decisions while playing the game will do better, on average, than those who just wing it.
  • Video poker is one of the most transparent of all casino games. It lets you know how much you can expect to win from each hand, thanks to the pay tables. In addition, the probabilities that come attached to a 52-card deck will clue you in to how often winning hands will appear.
  • Video poker offers excellent payback compared to other games. The best pay tables, including some which are attached to Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker, will offer you close to 100% payback. That means with bonuses included, you can potentially erase the house edge.
  • Video poker is an ideal game to play online. Popular versions of the game, such as Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker, are found on top gambling websites. Gameplay online is essentially the same as it in the casino, which means you won’t miss anything.

These are just some of the advantages that video poker offers that makes it unique from other casino games. Now it’s time to learn to play.

Before you can get into the complexities of Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker, you should first learn the basics. Let’s take a look at the process, in step-by-step fashion:

Step 1: The Bankroll

You have to bet money in order to win real money in return when playing video poker. If you’re playing a Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker machine in a casino, you’ll have to insert money into the slot on the machine. Or if you’re playing online, you have to create an account at an online casino website and fund that account with credit cards or alternative methods.

Once you’ve taken that preliminary step, you’ll usually see your money represented in units known as credits, or coins. These units will equal whatever denomination you happen to be playing. For example, on a 25-cent machine, a five-credit wager will earn you $1.25.

Step 2: The Bet

When you’re playing basic video poker, you’ll wager between one and five credits. But Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker changes that equation in a couple different ways.

First of all, you’ll be playing three, five, or 10 hands at once. To play all those hands, you have to bet on each one you play.

On top of that, you can bet a sixth coin per hand when you play Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker. Doing so will increase the payback for many hands on the pay table. Take a look at the maximum wager for each of the different number of hands:

  • 3 hands = 18 coins
  • 5 hands = 30 coins
  • 10 hands = 60 coins

You don’t have to bet six coins per hand when playing Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker. But if you bet less, you won’t get the special pay table. And that pay table actually adds to your expected payback percentage, even with the six-coin bet factored into the equation.

If you find that it’s too expensive to play with the max bet, you should try to find a lower denomination if possible. That will keep your payback percentage at its highest level, while also lowering the amount you have to wager each round of Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker.

Step 3: The Hand

For now, let’s just focus on how a single hand of video poker works. Then, we can move on to the multiple-hand action that’s part of Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker.

Video poker essentially copies the style of play found in the game known as Five-Card Draw Poker. Both games are based around a five-card deal and subsequent draw round where the player can discard cards and replace them with others from the deck. The objective is to create the best possible five-card poker combination.

When you play Five-Card Draw, you have to beat multiple players at a table, either by forming the best hand or getting everybody else to fold their hands through your betting. But video poker features a much simpler formula for winning. You just have to create one of the winning combinations listed on the pay table, which are:

  • Pair of jacks or better
  • Two pair
  • Three of a kind
  • Straight (five cards of consecutive rank, like 3-4-5-6-7)
  • Flush (five cards of same suit)
  • Full house (three of a kind and two pair in the same hand)
  • Four of a kind
  • Straight flush (straight with five cards of same suit)
  • Royal flush (ten, jack, queen, king, and ace of the same suit)

For the most part, this list features the lowest-paying hands on the top and them moves gradually to the highest-paying ones on the bottom. That corresponds with the likelihood of making the hands; the harder the hand is to achieve, the more it pays. The difference with Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker is that the four of a kind often pays more than the straight flush, even though the latter is harder to achieve.

The Deal

The first thing that will happen, after you’ve made your bet and activated the deal, is that five cards will appear on your screen. These cards will come from a simulated deck within the game’s software that contains the same cards as a standard 52-card deck. You can be assured of a random deal every time because of the random number generator software inside the game.

The draw, when it comes time for that, will be random because of the RNG as well. Don’t try to guess what cards will appear on the screen based on what has happened in previous hands. Doing that could lead to bad decision-making which, in turn, will hurt your payback.

The Decision

As we said, video poker incorporates strategy. Once you see the deal, this is the point where your strategy will come to the fore. You have to decide which cards you’ll be holding and which you’ll be discarding.

The cards that you hold should be useful to you in some way, since they’ll be part of your final hand, which will decide whether you win or lose. As for the cards you discard, they will be replaced by others from the deck. It’s a deck that will include 47 cards: the 52 in the deck minus the five you were dealt.

What should go into the decision about what to hold and discard? There are two important factors:

  1. You should try to estimate your chances of making one of the winning combinations on the pay table. Consider what you have in your hand and also what’s left behind in the deck.
  2. Also, keep in the back of your mind the potential payback for the winning combinations in play. There will be times when the right play is one that gives you a small chance of making a winning combination but a chance for a big payback from the combination you seek to attain.

In most cases, you’ll be able to make this decision in moments, especially once you’ve played video poker for a while. There could be times when you have to think about it, especially if there are several different possibilities you have. Read on to the strategy section to find out how you make the choices correctly every time.

The Draw

Once you’ve made your decision about your video poker hand, you’ll have to indicate which cards you intend to hold. You’ll do that by either pressing the buttons or the screen (if at a machine) or clicking on the icons (for an online game) for the cards you want to hold (if any). Leave the cards you want to discard (if any) alone.

At that point, hit the “draw” button and that will set the draw in motion. Any cards you’ve discarded will be replaced to complete your hand. Your hand will then be scored, meaning that any winnings you’ve achieved will be added to your bankroll.

Game play can continue in this manner as long as you have money in your bankroll to make your wagers. If you run out of credits, you’ll have to replenish to continue, but you can also cash out your winnings at any point.

Playing Multiple Hands at Once

Why did we teach you to play a single hand at a time when Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker actually asks you to play more than hand at once? It’s because the process that you’ll go through when playing multiple hands is the same as if you were playing a single hand.

You’ll get five cards on the screen as your deal when playing Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker, just as if you were playing one hand. But any decision you make will be played out over how many hands you’ve bet. Different draws will take place for each hand, with each draw coming from separate decks of 47, each containing the same cards but “shuffled” separately by the game’s software.

Let’s take a look at how that process plays out. Imagine that you’re playing Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker three hands at a time. You get the following deal:

Seven of Diamonds, Seven of Spades, Eight of Spades, Nine of Spades, King of Spades

There are no winning combinations in this deal. But there are some combinations that can be turned into winners with help on the draw. For instance:

  • Option 1: Hold the pair of sevens. This gives you the best chance at four of a kind, which is so valuable in Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker. Since you’ll be drawing three cards, you can also end up with two pair, three of a kind, or a full house, all winning hands.
  • Option 2: Hold the seven, eight, nine, and king of spades. The reason you would go this route is if you were trying to make a flush. This would occur if you drew one of the nine remaining spades in the deck of 47 (a little less than a one in five chance) after dropping the seven of diamonds.)
  • Option 3: Hold the seven, eight, and nine of spades. You would do this if you were trying to hone in on the high-paying straight flush. But this option also leaves you many other possibilities to form winning combinations if you get lucky on the draw.

For the sake of the example, let’s imagine that you chose Option 1, holding on to the pair of sevens. Three different draws would take place, with the sevens remaining in their position for each of the three hands on the screen, while new cards are drawn to fill out the other spaces. Remember that, because the draws are separate but are coming from the same batch of cards, it is possible to draw the same card to multiple hands.

Imagine that the draw goes like this:

Hand 1:

Seven of Diamonds, Seven of Spades, Eight of Clubs, Eight of Hearts, Three of Diamonds

Hand 2:

Seven of Diamonds, Seven of Spades, Four of Clubs, Four of Diamonds, Four of Hearts

Hand 3:

Seven of Diamonds, Seven of Spades, Nine of Hearts, Jack of Hearts, Five of Clubs

In Hand 1, you managed two pair. Hand 2 came out a full house. You didn’t form a winning combination in Hand 3.

This example turned out well for you. That’s the best part of multiple play action like what you’ll find playing Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker. You can win many times over from one deal.

The name Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker is a bit misleading, since you can actually play something other than Triple Play. You can play five or ten hands at once as well. The process would be the same, albeit played out over more hands.

Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play Video Poker Pay Tables

It’s important to understand that Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker has a unique pay table, even if you don’t splurge on the sixth coin bet per hand. The basic pay table for the game takes the pay table known as Double Double Bonus and adds some twists to it. Mainly, it puts an even bigger premium on a four of a kind hand.

Take a look at the full-pay version (highest-paying) of Super Double Double Bonus, which is also the pay table you’ll get for Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker if you bet only one through five coins per hand:

Coins/Hand 1 Coin 2 Coins 3 Coins 4 Coins 5 Coins
Royal flush 250 500 750 1,000 4,000
Straight flush 50 100 150 200 250
Four aces w/ any 2,3,4 400 800 1,200 1,600 2,000
Four aces w/ any J,Q,K 320 640 960 1,280 1,600
Four 2s, 3s, 4s w/ any A,2,3,4 160 320 480 640 800
Four jacks through kings w/ any J,Q,K,A 160 320 480 640 800
Four aces 160 320 480 640 800
Four 2s, 3s, 4s 80 160 240 320 400
Four 5s through Ks 50 100 150 200 250
Full house 8 16 24 32 40
Flush 6 12 18 24 30
Straight 4 8 12 16 20
Three of a kind 3 6 9 12 15
Two pairs 1 2 3 4 5
Pair of jacks + 1 2 3 4 5

Now, let’s compare that to the highest-paying table for Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker, which is the one that comes into play when you bet six coins:

Coins/Hand 1 Coin 2 Coins 3 Coins 4 Coins 5 Coins
Royal flush 250 500 750 1,000 4,000
Straight flush 120 240 360 480 600
Four aces w/ any 2,3,4 800 1,600 2,400 3,200 4,000
Four aces w/ any J,Q,K 640 1,280 1,920 2,560 3,200
Four 2s, 3s, 4s w/ any A,2,3,4 320 640 960 1,280 1,600
Four jacks through Kings w/ any J,Q,K,A 320 640 960 1,280 1,600
Four aces 320 640 960 1,280 1,600
Four 2s, 3s, 4s 160 320 480 640 800
Four 5s through Ks 80 160 240 320 400
Full house 8 16 24 32 40
Flush 5 10 15 20 25
Straight 4 8 12 16 20
Three of a kind 3 6 9 12 15
Two pairs 1 2 3 4 5
Pair of jacks + 1 2 3 4 5

Let’s add one more pay table to the mix to give you some concept. This is the pay table for Jacks or Better, the most common format in all of video poker.

Jacks or Better Pay Table

Coins/Hand 1 Coin 2 Coins 3 Coins 4 Coins 5 Coins
Royal flush 250 500 750 1,000 4,000
Straight flush 50 100 150 200 250
Four of a kind 25 50 75 100 125
Full house 9 18 27 36 45
Flush 6 12 18 24 30
Straight 4 8 12 16 20
Three of kind 3 6 9 12 15
Two pairs 2 4 6 8 10
Jacks or better 1 2 3 4 5

When you look at the Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker compared to Jacks or Better, you can see the drastic differences. The big ones come when you’re looking at four of a kind.

Jacks or Better pays all four of a kind hands the same, and it’s at a level that’s lower than that of the straight flush. But you can see how Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker pushes the four of a kind payback through the roof. In fact, it’s even higher than what you would get when playing Super Double Double Bonus, double the payback in many cases.

Where Jacks or Better Has the Edge

Why then wouldn’t you choose a game like Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker all the time? Well, the pay table, as it is constituted really amps the payback up for quads, which is good. But you have to remember that it is still rare to achieve four of a kind.

A hand that isn’t rare is two pair. And as you can see, in Jacks or Better, you get 2 to 1 payback for two pair. But when playing Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker, you’re only getting five coins bet back on a max bet.

In other words, if you’re betting six coins per hand, you’re actually losing one coin with a two pair. Compare that to doubling your bet, which is what happens in Jacks or Better.

Volatility in Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play Video Poker

Why does that matter? Because the two pair is a hand that appears very often during video poker play, usually around once every ten hands. When you’re playing Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker and get discounted payback for two pair, it will cause your bankroll to sag when you aren’t hitting one of the rare hands to compensate.

As a result, you’ll need a bankroll to soak up those losses. If you play Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker on a small bankroll, you run the risk of losing it all before you can hit one of the quad hands that help you make up for it. And that volatility only grows when you’re playing more than one hand at once.

Another Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play Pay Table

You might find a slightly different pay table than the one above when playing Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker and betting the six coins. It all depends on what casinos or gambling websites you’re using.

The pay table above is the full-pay version of Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker. But you might encounter one that is slightly different. Take a look.

Coins/Hand 1 Coin 2 Coins 3 Coins 4 Coins 5 Coins
Royal flush 250 500 750 1,000 4,000
Straight flush 120 240 360 480 600
Four aces w/ any 2,3,4 800 1,600 2,400 3,200 4,000
Four aces w/ any J,Q,K 640 1,280 1,920 2,560 3,200
Four 2s, 3s, 4s w/ any A,2,3,4 320 640 960 1,280 1,600
Four Jacks through Kings w/ any J,Q,K,A 320 640 960 1,280 1,600
Four aces 320 640 960 1,280 1,600
Four 2s, 3s, 4s 160 320 480 640 800
Four 5s through Ks 80 160 240 320 400
Full house 7 12 21 28 35
Flush 5 10 15 20 25
Straight 4 8 12 16 20
Three of a kind 3 6 9 12 15
Two pairs 1 2 3 4 5
Pair of jacks + 1 2 3 4 5

The only difference between the two is that the second Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker pay table offers only 7 to 1 on a full house, which is less than the 8 to 1 on the full-pay version. That might not seem like a lot, but it will affect your potential payback. Which makes a good point to segue into talking about payback percentage for this game.

Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play Video Poker Payback Percentage

We talked a little bit about volatility and how it is pretty high when you’re playing Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker. But volatility isn’t something that you should worry too much about if you want to play video poker regularly and come equipped with a substantial bankroll.

Percentage Over a Pile of MoneyIf you can swing that, you should instead be concerned about the payback percentage. The payback percentage gives an approximation of what your bankroll will look like after you’ve played it for a while. To give you an idea, a payback percentage of 100% is the break-even mark.

In the case of Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker, in particular the full-pay pay table, you are looking at a 99.8% payback percentage. Let’s explain why that’s important.

Understanding Payback Percentage

The payback percentage of 99.8% for Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker means that, if you were to bet $1,000 in a given session, your average result would be a bankroll standing at $998 after all your bets are made. In other words, you can expect a $2 loss.

Remember that this is just an average. You might play some sessions where you do better, and others where you do worse. But after you’ve played thousands and thousands of rounds of Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker, you can expect that kind of ration to carry forth.

Anytime you have a payback percentage of over 99% when playing video poker, you should be extremely happy. It means that you’ll have the chance to make up for the small house edge by taking advantage of casino or gambling website rewards. In other words, you could potentially make a profit playing Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker.

Strategy for Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play Video Poker

One more note on Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker payback: You can only hope to achieve the quoted payback percentage if you’re a good player. As a matter of fact, any mistakes that you make will lower your payback percentage. Only with perfect pay can you hope to win back 99.8%.

How can you do that? Well, for every deal that you receive, there will be 32 possible combinations of holds and discards that you can play. Out of those 32, one will give you the mathematical advantage over all the rest, based on your potential for making a winning combination and then potential payback for that win.

Remember that there are thousands of possible deals you might see when playing Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker. How do you know how to play them all? You get some help.

Video Poker Strategy Resources

Trying to figure out the right plays for all the possible deals you might get when playing Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker isn’t something you could reasonably expect to do on the fly. It’s likely you would make some mistakes in terms of the mathematics of the probabilities and the payback. Even if you could do it, it would take forever to play that way.

Instead, why not get help from resources which are available to you and have already done the hard work. These outlets for video poker strategy run simulations on all the hands and know the right play from that process. This information can then be imbibed by you, the player, so that you can take advantage of it.

Make sure that any instruction you received is tailored to the pay table you’ll be playing on a Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker machine or online game. Then avail yourself of one of these two methods of instruction:

  • Video Poker Training Software: Why not use software to figure out a game that is driven by software itself? Video poker training software can simulate all the action for you, then push you to the right plays through repetition. Every time you make a mistake, the software will alert you to it and tell you the right play, so that you’ll know what to do from that point.
  • Strategy Charts: Video poker strategy charts can be a quick fix for strategy if you can memorize them. They include rankings of all the possible card combinations you might receive on the deal. Once you know all that, you’ll also know what cards you should be holding in your own hand.

Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play Video Poker Pros and Cons


  • Huge payback for four of a kind
  • The extra wager actually increases your potential payback
  • Multiple-hand play allows you to speed up the pace of play

  • Multiple hands at six coins per hand can get expensive
  • You’ll have to deal with costly slumps when you can’t achieve high-paying hands
  • It will be hard to play a long time on a small bankroll


Super Double Double Bonus Super Triple Play video poker provides great payback potential for those who don’t mind betting a bit more for it. Both the potential payback on a single hand and over the long haul for this game ranks very high in the video poker world. The key will be keeping your bankroll afloat long enough to take advantage of the high payback potential.