Common Esports Betting Mistakes And How To Avoid Them

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I am sure most of you have several friends that are hardcore esports betting
enthusiasts. They are constantly following the latest news regarding their
favorite esports, keeping up to speed on the latest results and roster changes,
and they’re quite frequently bragging about hefty returns. But from time to
time, their bragging tales take a vile turn and end up sounding like lessons on
the most common esports betting mistakes to avoid.

Everybody makes mistakes! The goal isn’t to avoid making mistakes altogether
but to learn from them instead-that’s the tricky part. This is basically the
golden rule for esports betting: It’s okay to make mistakes as long as they end
up teaching you something.

With all that in mind, I’d like to present you with my special treat for the
day-an in-depth approach to the problematic nature of esports betting mistakes.
More precisely, I have prepared a comprehensive list of the most common esports
betting mistakes to watch out for, and I would like to guide you through them
one by one.

The esports betting industry is as vast as it is unforgiving, especially for
newcomers who don’t have any prior experience with how online betting works.
It’s a tricky situation to be in, that’s for sure. Luckily, there are a ton of
places offering invaluable information on the best esports betting sites, this
website is one of them.

Esports Betting Mistakes to Avoid

Here comes the main section of this article! There’s a total of seven esports
betting mistakes to avoid that I could think of. That said, I don’t see a reason
not to kick things off right this instant!

Having Unrealistic Expectations

The first thing I find silly coming from newcomers is their extremely
unrealistic set of expectations. I swear, every other guy imagines becoming a
straight up millionaire solely off of esports betting. Needless to say, the
chances of this happening are the same as my chances of becoming the next Hugh
Hefner. Sounds about the same, right?

Sure, there are people who’ve become rich thanks to esports (and traditional
sports) betting, but they’re a neglectable minority. Maybe 0.01% of people get
rich, perhaps even less. If you want to pursue an esports betting career, your
mindset should be free of unrealistic expectations. If you’re a knowledgeable
guy with a proper esports betting strategy, maybe you’ll get to cash out big
several times a month. But you have to understand that there will be some awful
months too, more often than not. So, steady your pace-esports betting is a
marathon, not a sprint!

Not Paying Attention to Your Budget

Let’s face it, most of us are on very strict budgets and usually don’t have
enough headroom for our hobbies. That’s why it’s really important to pay
attention to them and assess the amount of money we can bet on before we even
start thinking about placing any bets.

Sometimes, we bet too much early on and end up broke by the end of the month.
It has happened to me too, there’s nothing to be ashamed of! However, we’re here
to learn from our mistakes and that’s what I’m trying to tell you here. Pay
attention to your money. Bills, food, drinks, and all the necessities have to
come first. Betting comes second to all your needs. Use this as your golden
rule, and you’re good to go!

Not Taking a Pause After a Huge Return

If you’ve just hit it big and you’re ready for a cashout, call it a day or
night and be done with it. Often times, people get greedy and start splashing
out much bigger bets with their hard-earned returns. This is a bad practice
since the betting risk increases greatly. Refusing to take a break after a huge
return can quickly become a slippery slope.

It’s best to cash your money out as soon as you hit it big! Of course, leave
something for future bets but cash out the majority of your return. This way you
will be able to spoil yourself a bit but still have some change in your online
betting wallet by the next big esports event.

Using Bad Esports Bookies

Using bad esports bookies should’ve been at the top of this list since it’s
the first mistake virtually all newcomers make. I don’t blame them for not
knowing. After all, we’ve all been beginners at one point, so we know firsthand
just how complicated the esports betting hobby can be.

The industry is a total mess right now, with a huge number of new betting
sites fighting for their share of the market. It’s a war zone out there, so it’s
tricky to find what you’re looking for right off the bat. With that said, if you
already have an account on a bookie that you aren’t overly pleased with, why
don’t you check out our page dedicated to the best esports betting sites available.

Not Doing Enough Research

Obviously, if you want to win a few bets here and there, you can’t just rely
on your luck all the time. Knowledge is what makes good esports bettors, not
luck! Sure, you can win a couple of bets and think you’re the bee’s knees, but
luck can turn quickly, so relying on it is never a good practice.

Instead, what you should rely on are raw statistical data and pro scene
knowledge. This is something that doesn’t come overnight, so make sure you start
exploring and learning; that’s the only way you can make it in this unforgiving

Making Anger-Driven Bets

This right here is probably the biggest mistake of them all. Been there, done
that, as far as I’m concerned. There’s nothing that can anger you like losing an
already won bet in the final seconds of a match. That’s a proper trigger right
there, a trigger in the heart of your online betting wallet, that is!

I can’t even count how many times I’ve done this, and that’s not something
I’m proud of. I strongly advise you not to be like me. Don’t bet when you’re
angry and emotional about losing. Relax, drink a few beers, and call it a night.
Trust me, the very next day, you’ll get back up to speed with more betting ideas
than you could’ve imagined the day before, unless you go over the top with beers
and a proper hangover hits you right around 8 am.

Not Knowing When to Stop

Not knowing when to stop is a common mistake. It’s kind of a silly issue
since I consider myself an esports betting expert (or a somewhat knowledgeable
individual, at the very least) and yet here I am, making these rookie mistakes
like I’m just starting out.

Knowing when to stop reflects solely on your budget. What I like to do is set
aside a small amount of money from each paycheck that’s going straight into my
online betting wallet. That’s pretty much it for that month! Nothing less,
nothing more. The problem is, I sometimes cave in and deposit extra money near
the end of the month just to satisfy my betting cravings. That is, of course, if
I’m on a bad run. If I’m on a good one, then not only will I treat myself with a
few cashouts, but I’ll also save some extra money for the next month.

Not everyone uses this system. I know for a fact that many people are
constantly depositing more money, hoping to break even by the end of the month.
Obviously, this is a very bad way to approach betting. You can quickly end up
without a dime, and we all know a person can only live on a ramen-only diet for
so long. This is especially true in esports betting since most esports bettors
are still relatively young and don’t have a lot of money to spare.

To sum it all up, set aside a portion of your monthly income and deposit it
all at once. If there are bonuses available, you might even get some extra cash
in your bonus wallet. It would be ideal to plan out your own esports
betting strategy
that will allow you to have money in your online
betting wallet for the entire month.

Esports Betting Tips and Tricks

Now that you’ve all seen the most common esports betting mistakes to avoid,
here’s a couple more betting tips and tricks to help you out. It’s nothing
spectacular though, just three guidelines to lead you through your next esports
betting endeavor.

So, without further ado, let’s kick it off!

Keeping Track of Roster Changes

All esports titles have a rest period. A period in which players take a
well-deserved break while their organizations look to improve their rosters for
the upcoming season. Even though there’s an obvious lack of top-tier tournaments
during the rest period, it is still very important for esports bettors. How

Well, if you want to be a successful esports bettor, you need to keep track
of all roster changes to avoid making silly mistakes in your early season
betting slips. There are plenty of websites tackling exactly that, so make sure
you get your RSS feeds ready to keep on top of all the changes. Needless to say,
roster changes can make or break your betting score so keeping an eye out for
them is of utmost importance!

Exploring Special Bets

If you’re not just betting for mere fun but to actually win some extra cash
on the side, then you should definitely start exploring special bets. These
range from the usual likes of the outright winner, region of the winner, pistol
round, first blood, and so on, to more complicated and sophisticated bets such
as exact score, rounds handicap, and similar.

Needless to say, quantifiable in-game aspects greatly vary from game to game,
so I can’t really go into more depth here. If you’re already set on making it
big in the esports betting industry, take my advice, and start exploring the
specials. Who knows, they might just help you earn some extra money!

Avoiding the Favorites in “Best of” Series

This one might seem like a long shot at first, but as far as the major
esports titles are concerned, best of one series are as tricky as they come.
Don’t get me wrong, betting on favorites is not that risky with Bo3 and Bo5
series as their map pools and consistency are usually one level above the
underdogs. However, this all falls in the water with best of one series, one bad
round, team fight, and similar can be a turning point for late game snowballing.

That’s why I’d advise you never to bet on outright favorites in best of one
matches. The betting odds are way too low to be profitable, yet the risk can
break your bank real fast.

For more info on esports betting tips and tricks, make sure you check our
in-depth Esports betting guide.

Wrapping Things Up

As far as the most common esports betting mistakes to avoid are concerned, I
think all of the above pretty much covers it. I’m sure you’ve realized by now
that there are plenty of traps in this hobby. Not knowing when to stop and
making anger-driven bets are probably the biggest mistakes people make these
days. These mistakes can turn into a problem in a matter of seconds.

Now, don’t think I’m advising you not to bet on esports matches. I’d never do
such a thing! After all, I cannot enjoy something and advise other people not to
do the same. What I’m basically trying to say here is that you need to take
things with a bit more caution. Esports betting is a great way of spicing up
your late-night entertainment and even getting a few extra bucks here and there.

But you have to understand that majority of esports bettors actually end up
losing money. That’s why you should take things slow and build up your wallet
alongside a few hefty returns before even thinking of going all in.

That said, I’ll leave you with your thoughts! Thank you for sticking till the
very end, and hope to see you again soon!