Simple Tips for Gambling Online

There are two main reasons why people gamble online. Some do it for the sole purpose of making money, while others do it solely to have fun. Many people, and perhaps most in fact, do it for a combination of both reasons. The two are closely linked after all. Trying to win some money is part of the fun, and gambling is certainly a lot more fun when you’re winning.

Regardless of exactly why you choose to gamble online, you obviously want to have the best possible experience. We want that for you too, which is why we’ve put together this list of simple tips for gambling online.

None of these tips will turn you into an instant winner, but that isn’t their intent. We’ve written them to help make sure that you have a good time, because that’s what we believe online gambling should ultimately be about.

1. Set a Budget

Although the tips on this page are in no particular order, we’re certainly starting with one of the most important. This tip applies to any form of gambling in fact, regardless of whether it’s done online or in any other way.

It’s absolutely vital that you set yourself a budget when gambling.

Gambling involves risk. There’s a chance of losing money every time you bet on a sporting event, sit down at the poker tables, or play a casino game. Indeed, the chances of losing are often greater than the chances of winning. You therefore need to accept that gambling will quite possibly cost you some money.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t gamble, of course, but it does mean you need to be sensible about how much money you are prepared to risk. You should only ever gamble with money you can afford to lose, and you should always put some limits in place for how much you are prepared to spend overall. You simply won’t enjoy your gambling if you start overspending or risking money that you need for other things.


Spending more money than you should on gambling could be a sign that you’re addicted to gambling. If you ever feel like you’re losing control of your gambling, please stop immediately. Our article on gambling addiction provides further information and advice on this subject.

2. Use a Suitable Gambling Site

Online gambling is extremely popular, and a result of this is that there are literally hundreds of different gambling sites on the internet. Having so many options is generally good, but it does make choosing which one to use more challenging.

With so many gambling sites on the internet, it can be hard to pick the right one for you.

A lot of people will simply sign up at the first site they find, or they’ll just go with a well-known brand that they recognize. This isn’t really the ideal way to go about things. The majority of sites are at least reasonably good, and most of them are reputable and trustworthy. In order to get the best possible experience, you’ll want to use one of the very best.

It’s definitely worth spending some time thinking about your options. There’s another article on our site which explains all about how to pick the right gambling site, and we strongly recommend reading that. You might also like to check our gambling site reviews, as these are very detailed and useful for working out which sites are right for you.

3. Try Multiple Sites

Following on from the previous tip, we also recommend that you use more than one site. There are several advantages to doing so, particularly if you enjoy different forms of gambling. For example, you may find that one site is perfect for all your sports betting needs, but it doesn’t have a great selection of casino games or maybe your preferred poker site doesn’t offer sports betting at all.

With this in mind, you might want to consider using different sites for all the different gambling activities you enjoy. We know this is something that a lot of people do, which is why we rank the top sites for each of the most popular forms of gambling. These rankings can be found on the following pages.

4. Take Full Advantage of Extra Value

There’s another benefit to using multiple sites. Most places offer a welcome bonus to new customers, and they usually offer additional bonuses and rewards to existing customers as well. You can take full advantage of all this added value available by signing up with a few different sites.

We should point out, though, that not all signup bonuses are as high of value as they might immediately seem. Many of the biggest casino bonuses, for example, are for wagering purposes only and cannot be withdrawn. This means they aren’t actually as good as smaller bonuses which CAN be withdrawn. Some bonuses are harder to clear than others too, which is something else you need to take into consideration.

Recommended Reading

Please read our article on the bonuses and rewards available at gambling sites for more detailed information on this topic.

5. Improve Your Chances of Winning

This is a somewhat obvious tip. We mentioned in our introduction that gambling is always more fun when you’re winning, so it naturally follows that you should do everything you can to improve your chances of that happening. That’s easy enough to say of course, but how do you actually give yourself the best chance of winning?

There’s no simple answer to that question, as there are actually lots of things you can do. So many, in fact, that we couldn’t possibly list them all here without making this page ridiculously long. That’s not to say we can’t help you though, because we can. Our website is packed full with information and advice, and much of it is provided specifically to help improve your chances of winning money. To discover more, we advise spending some time reading through our betting and gaming guides.

Our Betting & Gaming Guides

6. Remember to Withdraw

Unless you’re horribly unlucky, there are likely to be plenty of times when you do manage to win some money. Most gamblers get their fair share of wins, but most of them also end up giving their winnings straight back to the place that gave it to them. This is something you want to avoid, which can be done by withdrawing at least some of the times you do win.

This takes a lot of discipline, particularly if you feel like you’re in the middle of a winning streak. You don’t have to stop completely when things are going well, but you should withdraw some of your money so that you’ve at least got something to show for your good luck. And if you have a particularly big win, consider treating yourself or a loved one to something special. It’s really a great feeling to know that you’ve used your winnings for a good reason.

7. Experiment

You probably have your favorite forms of gambling, as most people do, but there’s nothing wrong with mixing things up occasionally. They say that variety is the spice of life, and we wholeheartedly agree. If you tend to play slots, why not give roulette a shot? Or if you mostly play poker, how about trying some sports betting?

One of the great things about gambling online is that there are all kinds of opportunities to try new things, and doing so can be a lot of fun. You won’t necessarily enjoy everything of course, but it doesn’t hurt to try something new.

8. Know When to Take a Break

There are several advantages to gambling online, and one is that it’s so convenient. It’s easy to log in and place a bet, or play a game, at any time of the night or day. This easy accessibility is a good thing, but it does have a couple of downsides.

It’s quite possible for hours and hours to pass by in what seems like no time at all when betting or gaming online, as it’s very easy to lose track of time. This can have a detrimental effect on other aspects of a person’s life. It’s also quite possible for online gambling to become something of an obsession for some people, where it literally takes over their life. This can lead to a number of problems, with the most obvious being that they would spend far too much money.

When having a long session online, please remember to take regular breaks. It doesn’t hurt to go a few days without gambling from time to time either. You should definitely take an extended break or even stop altogether, if you ever feel like your gambling might be getting out of control.

9. Play for a Big Jackpot Some Time

Winning a big jackpot is most gambler’s dream. When gambling online, the chances of winning one are greater than you might think. There are loads of jackpots available, and some of them can be life-changing sums of money.

Mega Moolah

The Mega Moolah slot game has a progressive jackpot which is regularly several million dollars.

We’re not suggesting that you should get your hopes up too much, as it still takes a great deal of good fortune to land one of these big prizes. With so many available, though, it has to be worth trying your luck from time to time. Just playing for the chance of winning a jackpot can be a thrilling experience in itself.

10. Enjoy Yourself

We started these tips with a piece of advice that we feel is especially important. We’re going to finish with another point that we really can’t stress enough. In our opinion, gambling should ALWAYS be fun. Whether you’re an occasional gambler or a frequent gambler, a regular winner or a serial loser, what’s the point of doing it if you’re not enjoying yourself?

It doesn’t have to be just about the money, and indeed it really shouldn’t be. That’s just one part of gambling, albeit a vital one. For us, gambling is all about the entertainment. We think you’ll get a lot more out of your gambling experience if you view it the same way. If you gamble responsibly, and focus on the fun factor, then you’re guaranteed to have a great time.