Soccer Betting Strategy

Betting on soccer is a lot of fun. Many people bet on the sport for precisely this reason. It’s a form of entertainment for them, and they don’t mind too much whether they win or lose. They prefer to win, of course, but they’re happy just as long as they are enjoying themselves.

Some people have bigger ambitions than simply enjoying themselves though. They don’t just PREFER to win. Winning is their primary goal, and the main reason why they choose to bet.

Which category do you fall into? Do you bet for the fun of it? Or do you bet with the sole aim of making money? Maybe it’s a little bit of both, or maybe you’re not even really sure.

Whatever your reasons for betting on soccer, this strategy section of our soccer betting guide can help you. It features plenty of advice that is very straightforward and easy to follow. It also features some more advanced topics and concepts too. So we’ve got you covered if you’re a recreational bettor who just wants a better chance of winning without having to learn anything too complicated. And we’ve got you covered if you’re an ambitious bettor who wants to take things seriously and strive for regular and consistent profits.

Please read through this page to find out everything our strategy section has to offer. We start by explaining some important requirements for getting the most out of this section. Then we provide some very simple tips and systems that will instantly improve your betting skills without the need to dedicate much time and effort. There’s also detailed information on a range of specific soccer betting strategies. These strategies are broken down into three categories; basic, intermediate and advanced.

Requirements for Learning Soccer Betting Strategy

We’ve tried to make this soccer betting strategy guide as easy to understand as possible. Apart from a few advanced topics, most of what’s covered here is suitable for beginners and experienced bettors alike. There’s very little in this section that you won’t be able to follow, even if you’re relatively new to betting on soccer. So don’t be afraid to jump straight in and start learning.

With that being said, however, there are four things that we believe each bettor needs to have for them to truly become more profitable.

  1. Time
  2. A Plan
  3. Knowledge
  4. Money

These probably all seem very straightforward to you. Maybe even obvious. But they’re all important, as we’ll now explain.


In order to improve your skills, you have to be willing to put in the necessary time. This statement is true for both serious and recreational soccer bettors. The more determined you are to make a profit, the more time you’ll have to set aside.

Time is vital for two reasons. First, it’s required for studying the subject of soccer betting. The more time you spend on this, the more you’ll learn. And, ideally, you want to learn as much you possibly can. Then you need time to actually put what you’ve learned into practice. This means experimenting with various approaches, and doing the necessary research and analysis.

Now, you don’t need to set aside hours upon hours each and every week. That could get tedious, especially if you’re only betting recreationally. However, it’s a simple fact that you WILL benefit from the time you choose to commit. So try to spare as much of it you can, as it is bound to pay off in the long run.


We’ve stated how our soccer betting strategy guide is easy to understand. This is true, but having some background knowledge does help. Even though you’ll probably be able to figure most of it out as you go along, it’ll be much easier if you learn some basics first. This is especially true for those of you who don’t have any betting experience.

If you don’t know much about sports betting in general, then you should start with our beginner’s guide. This is a comprehensive introduction to sports betting. It covers all the basics and provides a useful foundation for learning more about betting on specific sports.

Betting knowledge isn’t all you need either. You should also know as much as possible about the sport that you’re betting on. This might not be an issue if you’re already a big fan of soccer, but even then we’d recommend taking a look through the following section. It’s packed full of information relating to soccer, and if nothing else it’s a very interesting read.

There are a couple of other specific details about soccer betting that would be beneficial to know before you jump into the strategy side of things. The first of these is all the different types of wager that can be placed. Soccer provides more betting options than a lot of other sports, and we explain them all here.

The next thing you need to know is the various factors which affect the outcome of soccer games. There are more of these than you might think. It’s common to assume that the only thing that really matters is the quality of the players, but soccer is more complex than that. To find out more, please read the article listed below.

A Plan

Do you REALLY need a formal plan in place before learning soccer betting strategy? Probably not. But it’s certainly wise to have some idea about what your overall approach is going to be, and what your ultimate goals are. It definitely helps to do a little planning before you get started, even if it’s just setting some vague guidelines to stick to.

One thing that you really want to think about is what you’re going to bet on. There are many different soccer leagues and competitions taking place around the world, and it’s not realistic to think you can bet on them all. So you need to decide which ones to focus on. The following article will help with this.


The fourth requirement is money. You don’t necessarily need a lot of it, but you will need some. Remember that you’re unlikely to be winning consistently from the moment you start learning soccer betting strategy. It will take a while before you’re able to apply everything you learn effectively, so you’ll want enough funds to see you through this period.

We recommend setting aside a sum of money that’s used exclusively for the purposes of betting. It’s really helpful to have a dedicated bankroll, regardless of whether you’re betting primarily for fun or primarily for profit.

Why does this help? There’s actually a couple of reasons. For starters, it will force you to stick to a budget. That way, you won’t end up spending money that you can’t afford to lose or that you need for something else. A bankroll also enables you to manage your money properly in terms of how much you stake.

Did you know that one of the biggest mistakes that bettors make is not giving enough thought to money management? Trust us when we say that this is a mistake that you’ll want to avoid. Even the most skilled bettors can’t win in the long run without practicing proper bankroll management.

There’s also one final requirement we should mention, in addition to the four already covered. Although it’s not directly related to betting strategy, it’s still important. We strongly advise having accounts with a few online betting sites. There are numerous reasons why this will help you when it comes to betting on soccer, as long as you’ve opened accounts with the leading sites. Our recommendations for soccer betting sites are listed below.

Soccer Betting Strategy Made Simple

Right, we’ve covered everything you need to have in place before learning about soccer betting strategy. So now it’s time to actually learn about the subject itself. We’re going to keep things very simple at this stage, so we’re starting with a few straightforward tips that are easy to follow.

We’ve compiled these tips in a separate article, because we wanted to explain them as thoroughly as possible. They might be simple, but there’s a still a lot to cover. Below is a snapshot of some of the most useful tips we have to offer, followed by a link to the relevant article.

Useful Tips

  • Analyze Team’s Strengths & Weaknesses
  • Understand the Concept of Value
  • Beware of Personal Bias
  • Focus Your Attention
  • Always Compare Available Odds
  • Don’t Blindly Follow The Crowd

These tips are an ideal starting point for learning about soccer betting strategy. They’ll help you form good habits right from the start. Even if you’ve been betting a while, they’re likely to have a positive and immediate impact on your betting results.

At this point in the article we provide information on some of the soccer betting system that we suggest using. Although these tips are a little more straightforward, they are still incredibly simple. While we doubt that these systems will cause you to win a fortune, they are still effective tools worth learning about. Most importantly, they are great for beginners. All it takes to successfully implement these is a little bit of time and effort.

Betting Systems We Recommend

  • Betting the Double Chance
  • Using the Draw No Bet
  • Claiming Free Bets & Sign Up Bonuses
  • Finding Enhanced Odds Multipliers
  • Picking Champions League Winners
  • Betting Anytime Goal Scorers

Before we move on to the next part of our strategy section, there’s another article we recommend taking a look at. This details some of the most common mistakes that soccer bettors make, while also providing advice on how to avoid them. Following this advice is another simple way to improve your betting results without too much effort.

Basic Soccer Betting Strategies

Now we’re moving onto some specific strategies you can use when betting on soccer. Each of the following articles each cover one or more basic soccer strategies that we want to make you aware of. Once again, none of these are very complicated. Even though you probably won’t use each and every one of them, it’s still beneficial to learn about each one. This way, you can keep your options open.

Pre-Season Betting Strategy

Many bettors only pay any attention to soccer while the season is underway. This is a mistake. The close-season is a good time for preparation and analysis, and it also offers some additional betting opportunities. This article offers advice for using the pre-season effectively.

Win-Draw-Win Strategy

The win-draw-win markets represent the easiest way to bet on soccer. The goal with these is to predict which team will win an individual match, and which games will end in a draw. This article provides some useful strategy advice for making such predictions.

Backing Big Favorites

One of the most obvious soccer betting strategies is to consistently back big favorites. It’s a simple strategy, and logic would suggest that you’ll win far more often than you lose. As with most things in life, though, it’s not quite that simple. Give us a moment of your time to explain why here.

Matched Betting with Free Bets

Matched betting with free bets is a strategy that can be used to make guaranteed profits. Although these profits won’t make you rich, using this strategy is a useful way for beginners to increase their betting bankroll.

Intermediate Soccer Betting Strategies

The next batch of strategy articles are a little more complicated. We wouldn’t go as far as saying they should be avoided by beginners, but they’re not ideal for those with little soccer betting experience. Although there’s no harm in learning about them, it might be best to master the basic strategies before moving on to these.

Following Trends

Soccer often throws up certain trends that it pays to be aware of. Studying these trends can help with making assessments about what’s likely to happen in the future. If you know what to look for, they can be a powerful tool for making betting decisions.

Predicting Upsets

A good way to find value in soccer matches is to look for opportunities where you think an upset is likely. It’s hard to predict upsets of course, as they’re unexpected by definition. But this is a strategy that can definitely be profitable in the long run, as long as it’s approached correctly.

Backing Both Teams to Score

This intriguing wager has become more and more popular over the past few years. Unfortunately this is because people assume it’s easy to predict when both teams are going to score in a match. Although we understand where they people are coming from, there’s more to consider when it comes to this wager.

Betting on Total Goals

Betting on total goals has the potential to be very profitable. In this article we look at the various different ways to bet on the number of goals scored in a soccer match. Plus, we offer useful advice for making accurate predictions.

Live Soccer Betting Strategy

Live soccer betting has become incredibly popular over the last few years. It offers a lot of opportunities for finding good value wagers. If you know a lot about soccer, and follow the advice in this article, then there’s a good chance you can make some money from this form of betting.

Strategy for Soccer Accumulators

Accumulators, or parlays, are easily among the most popular of all soccer wagers. They’re also very difficult to make money from. Most bettors make a lot of mistakes with this type of wager, but the right strategies can be profitable.

Advanced Soccer Betting Strategy

This final selection of soccer betting strategies falls firmly into the advanced category. These strategies are NOT designed for beginners or casual betters. Anyone who uses them needs a very solid understanding of the basics before moving on to these. Being able to draw on your own experiences is also helpful. Once you’re ready for them, though, these are strategies that can really contribute to your success.

Soccer Spread Betting Strategy

Spread betting is a very exciting way to wager on soccer. It’s high risk, but it offers the potential for high returns. With the right discipline, and the right approach, it’s possible to make some nice profits. Learn more about this topic here.

Asian Handicap Betting Strategy

The Asian Handicap is one of the more complex ways to wager on soccer. Many bettors choose to avoid it, specifically for that reason. It can be very profitable for those who know what they’re doing though. This article explains the Asian Handicap in detail, and looks at the best strategies to use.

Using Exchanges for Soccer Betting

Using betting exchanges to bet on soccer isn’t complicated in itself. However, using them effectively, and profitably, is challenging. Learning about these strategies is essential, and it’s why we spend so much time focusing on them here.

Dutching in Soccer Betting

Dutching is a betting method that involves spreading a stake over several selections in a single market. By covering multiple outcomes, it can improve your chances of winning: simple in theory, but not in practice. This article explains this method in more detail.