The Indy 500 – Best Betting Sites

It doesn’t take much to get a car racing fanatic excited to watch a normal race. We can’t imagine the excitement and preparation the drivers go through on Memorial Day weekend every year.

We are talking about the Indianapolis 500. Some probably plan for the race months ahead of time. There isn’t another race on the planet that garners the attention and support that the Indy 500 does.

When there’s a sporting event that has this many fans interested, that can only mean one thing: “Bettors, start your engines!” That’s correct, the Indianapolis 500 race presents bettors with a tremendous opportunity to make some money, hence the creation of this page.

Our goal is to provide you with not only the best places to go to make your bets, but offer some tips and guidance for what you should be looking out for come race time. When betting on the Indy 500, don’t mess around with all the sites out there that may or may not be secure. Bet at only the best online sports betting sites.

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There they are. Some of you probably already did your homework and have settled in on the drivers you think will perform well. If you are already locked and loaded and ready to make some money on this race, then jump right to the links and sign up now.

For those of you who don’t know a lot about the race, don’t worry – that’s why we are here. Read along as we get into some of the details that explain why this race has become so renowned around the globe. Before we do that, we need to cover our bases.

It wouldn’t be right to just give you a list of the best online betting sites without any sort of explanation or reasoning as to why those specific sites were selected. Let’s break down the factors we consider when ranking online sports betting sites.

Why These Sites

Some people just blindly sign up for sites and start firing bets in without much thought. Why anyone would skip the step of finding out if the site is legitimate or not is beyond us. Fortunately for you, we did all that research and work already.

We only recommend the sites that will allow you to bet confidently and safely. We weed out the virtual betting casinos that don’t meet our standards. Let’s discuss what those standards are.

Reliable Software

Look, if the software isn’t up to date and working properly, forget it. How can we bet on a site if it is crashing or if it is hard to figure out how to navigate? It’s easy – we don’t!

We only associate with the online sites that we can trust – the ones that are easy to use and that won’t crumble when the money is on the line.

We don’t hope the sites above have the best and most reliable software. We know they do. They don’t make our cut if their operating system is not up to par.

What would be worse than trying to bet on a driver right before the Indy 500 got underway, only to have your bet not go through in time? Say that driver ends up winning the race. Imagine how you would feel. The great news for you is that if you choose any of the sites we endorsed, you won’t experience any issues like that.

Supreme Customer Service

The online sports wagering world is a big, big place. It would be naÏve and silly to think nothing ever went wrong. Questions and issues will inevitably arise. It is imperative to have a support staff in place to handle any problem that may come up.

Having a good customer service team behind the scenes of an online casino or betting site used to be a bonus. Now it is a requirement. You need to know someone will be there to help you if and when you encounter any complications.

Sites that have authentic team members able and willing to help customers will help the cream rise to the top in terms of the best betting sites out there. Once again, we went through that painstaking process of figuring out which sites had company representatives prepared to help users. Whether that is responding to an email in a timely fashion or crediting your accounts if a mistake was made, these are the sites that will be there at your beck and call.

Now that you know the site has reliable software and customer service, you must be curious about the banking options.

Secure Banking Options

We can’t rank sites without taking into account the dependability of their deposit and withdrawal methods. We aren’t as interested in how many banking options the site offers, but more concerned with how efficient those methods are. Some sites will boast and say,

“We have eight different ways to deposit money into your account.”

That’s all fine and dandy if they all can be trusted. However, if seven of the eight methods are unsafe or aren’t completed rapidly, then who really cares?

We focus on making sure the banking options that are present are secure. You want to know that when you decide to deposit and withdrawal, your funds won’t sit in limbo. They will be transferred quickly.

We made sure we only suggested sites that take you and your money seriously. The banking options available are reputable and won’t let you down.

Selection of Bets

When it comes to the Indianapolis 500 auto race, the selection of existing bets suddenly becomes a major factor to consider. See, the choices for betting on most races are fairly similar. You will see a list of the racers and their respective odds to win the race. If you are lucky, some sites may offer a few head-to-head driver matchups. Not the Indianapolis 500, though.

Too many people watch and care about this race for sportsbooks to only offer such basic bets. The floodgates to the betting arena are wide open once that Sunday before Memorial Day arrives. Online sports betting site operators are more than aware of the enormous betting appetite a race of this stature creates. Good businessmen and businesswomen know that when the demand is there, it is up to them to come through and provide the supply.

In the case of the Indianapolis 500, that supply is the added selection of bets. Many people refer to these supplemental bets as the prop bets. These bets enable the fans to fall deeper into the action. We are going to cover what these bets will look like in a segment on prop bets below.

The important takeaway for you here is to have faith that the sites on the top of this page are in fact the premier betting sites for the Indianapolis 500 race. We know how important this race and betting experience is for you. That is why we took the time to be careful and diligent during our site selection process.

Now that you know which sites to be betting on and why, let’s get into a few MUSTS for you to stay ahead of your competition. The Indy 500 is a big deal, so make sure you don’t skip any of the following steps when preparing for Sunday’s race day.

Join Multiple Sites

This is in bold for a reason! Don’t read over this article and glance past this section. Those Indianapolis 500 bettors who skip this step and don’t join multiple sites will be left out of the loop come race day. Let us explain what we are talking about.

Shop the Lines

If you made it this far, chances are this is something you already take very seriously. If not, then thank goodness you landed on this page. From this point forward, do not make a single bet without shopping the lines amongst the best sites. There are a plethora of sites on the market, and not all of them will have synchronized odds.

Sure, many of the odds will be identical, but not all. That is why we shop the lines. Why don’t we show you an example:

Say you are looking to bet on Helio Castroneves to win the Indy 500. You look at your favorite site and see Helio listed with 9:1 odds that he will be victorious. Then you check a couple more sites and still see 9:1 odds.

Finally, you come across a site that has Castroneves as a 12:1 favorite to win the race. Boom! You just bought yourself a much better price because you took a few minutes to shop the lines. Believe or not, some people just run to the first site they see and place their wagers. Don’t be one of those uninformed bettors. This portion of the discussion was to enlighten you that line shopping is exactly what the sharp bettors out there are doing.

You want to copy the guys who know what they are doing, the ones who are profitable. That is why you need to be active on multiple sites. You need to be able to compare odds across them and place your bets accordingly.

Now you probably are wondering about those prop bets we touched on earlier. Your patience paid off; let’s dive in.

Attack the Prop Bets

The anticipation really ramps up here, folks. The prop bets that the online sites put out for the Indy 500 race are designed to get fans excited. We talked about being able to bet on who will win the race. We even mentioned the driver matchups that sites make available for typical races.

Now fast-forward to the behemoth of all races, the Indy 500. Instead of only caring about who wins the race, we are all of a sudden fully enveloped in the early laps.

This is the beauty of the props. Driving 500 miles takes some time. Many fans are too riled up to have to wait until the end of the race to find out if they won any money. Enter the prop bets. To illustrate this point, let’s take a peek at some of the prop bets that have been offered online in recent Indy 500 races.

  • Which Driver Will Lead the Most Laps?
  • Over/Under on Caution Flags
  • Podium (Top 3 Finish) Bets

To really make matters interesting during the race, try the live betting options. Just don’t expect your family members to be able to gain your attention for the three or so hours while you are watching the race.

Live Betting

Many of you race enthusiasts probably pick up on some trends while the race is going on. Wouldn’t it be awesome if you could bet on what is happening while you watch the race? Just imagine how cool that would be.

Okay, stop imagining. Snap back into reality and start live betting!

  • Which driver will be leading at the end of the next lap?
  • Who will be the next driver to crash?
  • Will Scott Dixon or Juan Pablo Montoya make a pit stop before the 26th lap?

Start betting the Indy 500 on one of our top-rated online sports betting sites, and your dreams can come true. You will experience action on the Sunday before Memorial Day like you never have before!


It’s all right here for all of you. Looking for the absolute top-notch online sportsbooks out there? Check.

Wondering why we chose the sites we did or what kind of bets the sites will offer when you sign up? Check, check.

That was the object and point behind creating this Indy 500 betting guide. We aren’t here to pretend we are expert race betting touts who have all the secrets. We leave that for the characters you encounter on the Twitter machine and other social media outlets.

Our team is here to display the facts and data behind what really goes on. We know you guys know a lot about racing. You probably even have your eye on a few drivers for the next Indy 500. We wanted to make sure you knew where to go to place your wagers, and what to expect when you got there.

As for picking the drivers who will fly around the track in Speedway, Indiana in the shortest amount of time, that part is still up to you.

Enjoy the Indianapolis 500, and good luck with betting!